Spring Cactus

Spring is one of my favorite seasons mainly because it signifies the end of short dark days.  Nothing says Spring for me like the blooms on my Spring Cactus.  Every year, around the end of April, my Spring Cactus sprouts lots of red buds and then come the wild red flowers.  So beautiful. So Spring.

Spring Cactus in my “office” room

This cactus stays on the window still in my room all year round.  It is really a perfect spot because this room gets pretty cold in the winter which is necessary for the cactus to produce blooms in the Spring.  Also the window is South facing so it gets lots of direct sunlight.

Love. Love. Love

I love these interiors styled by Sasa Antic. I love all the colors, patterns and textures.  Her website features lots of great interiors.  Here are some of my favorite images:

Sorry for the skimpy posts lately.  I am really busy at work and I’m also trying to throw a huge party next Saturday for Kiran’s birthday.